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Plants versus Zombies 2 – New World Update

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What’s going on gamers? It’s Gabby! I’m here to give you guys a mini update about one of PopCap’s popular mobile games, Plants versus Zombies 2! If you haven’t been playing it nightly like I do, you’re in for quite a surprise! In the most recent update we received, we are introduced to a new plant: the Lava Guava!

aaa lava


That’s right folks! For the low, low price of 129 gems (which you obviously have since there is no real reason to spend gems at this point) you too can utilize this mini-volcano plant! Positioning wise, the Lava Guava is very similar to the Chard Guard (the orange plant that flips zombies back a few spaces). You place him directly in front of oncoming zombies and KABOOM; a fiery eruption of zombie charring lava decimates your foes! Once this plant explodes, the lava hangs around for a while to continue damaging enemies! If you are able to obtain plant food, use it on him and watch as he pounds the ground and causes the earth below his enemies to be torn asunder in a blaze of lava-y fury! He can also melt the plants and zombies encapsulated within ice (also pretty cool).

lost city

Along with the new plant, this update gives us a sneak peak at a new world: the Lost City. Pictured above, you may notice that the streets are paved with gold and the faces of Aztec Zombies. A few of the zombies even look like little Indiana Jones’! Is it The Road to El Dorado meets Indiana Jones: The Lost Ark? I guess we’ll just have to wait to find out!

As always, I’ll be here to give you guys the latest updates for this, one of my favorite mobile games! Ta-ta for now!

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