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Hot takes from Madden 16 in action

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Photo courtesy of operationsports.com

So I got a chance to see Madden 16 in action finally. After viewing the action, I have some hot takes that I took away from what I saw.

Game shown using the draft champion mode, this mode seems pretty cool, as you draft your own team fantasy style.


Aggressive catch- fluid, went with flow of the game. Wr had inside position, but damn they look to jump high.

️Allegedly the way you catch matters

Tackle animations/Gang tackles. New playbook names

New graphics for stadium

Very dope WR/DB interaction. Wr goes for aggressive catch, Peterson swipes at ball leads to int

High level WRs matter, they get inside position and aggressive catch good chance they make a play

Overall, I must say I am a tad bit concerned with what I saw. Aggressive catches seemed to be a little too strong, but it possibly could’ve been due to the lower rated DBs as Patrick Peterson made a phenomenal play in an aggressive catch. Obviously, everything wasn’t seen but to say WR/DB interaction is the feature aspect of the game, it looked like the offense had a huge advantage if you have a good WR.

What are your thoughts on the Madden 16 gameplay?

-MT @mtarrell1

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