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Madden Tournaments

WeGotLeagues Tournament of Champions Interview : @RyanJerome_

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Gamertag: RyanJerome
SB won with WGL Madden ’15:  2MD season 1

Favorite Team to use: Chiefs
Favorite Playbook (Off/Def): Denver/KC …. Custom playbook
Fav Play in Madden ’15: Pistol Counter

Tell a little something about yourself: 26 years old Filipino from Los Angeles. Madden geek ever since I played madden 2000.

What was the first Madden you played?: Madden 2000

Favorite moment in a league game this year?: Winning period.

We all know there will be times in this tourney when being “clutch” could either mean a win or a lose for you. How do you get yourself in “clutch” mode when needed? : Can’t really explain it. You either have it or you don’t.

If you had a chance to add one thing to Madden what would it be?: Practice mode on CFM

If you win the tourney whats the first thing you are gonna do when you load up Madden ’16?: Lab Lab Lab

What brought you to the leagues at WGL and what would you say to someone who is looking to join a madden league about WGL?:

Vawse told me to join and I love competing in madden. Loved the competition and stayed. I would say to whoever joining WGL that they gota learn to take Jokes and not get butt hurt. And to just have fun cuz that’s what it’s all about. Best competition in madden


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