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Preview Buzz: Omega Quintet

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With the lack of JRPGs on next gen (current? Are we calling this current gen now?), fans of the genre should look into “Omega Quintet”. As far as the story, what I know so far is 5 singing girls, known as “Verse Maidens”, must save the world through song. Premise seems corny, but I’m in it for the gameplay. The characters will be fully customizable and you can even create performances and share them with others around the world by using the share feature. If you have the PS4 camera, you can even insert yourself into the performances.

All of this sounds fun and all, but the thing the intrigued me the most was the battle system.

With so many RPGs leaning more towards real time battle systems, it’s a relief to me to see this game returning to the turn based combat days.

This game will release on 4/28 for Playstation 4.

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