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Halo 5 Guardians Release Date Revealed

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The next entry in one of the biggest first person shooter franchises of all time has finally given us a release date. Halo 5: Guardians is set to release 10.27.15. As Microsoft’s flagship exclusive franchise Halo has been a fan favorite since the birth of the original XBOX. Microsoft fumbled the ball last year with the release of Halo the Master Chief Collection.  Halo MCC launched with a broken Multiplayer which made fans frustrated and left questions about how reliable the next entry would be.


Over the holidays the Halo 5 multiplayer beta ran smoothly so I have hope that the finished product will be steady. If Halo 5 Guardians works out WeGotLeagues will have a Halo League similar to our Call of Duty league. Stay tuned for more information. 


Here’s the new trailer :



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